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Found 3029 results for any of the keywords is elected. Time 0.008 seconds.
AWU History - The Australian Workers Union : The Australian WorkersWe re older than the nation and have done more to shape it than almost any other union. Read the rich history of the AWU, starting in 1886, here.
AWU History - The Australian Workers Union : The Australian WorkersWe re older than the nation and have done more to shape it than almost any other union. Read the rich history of the AWU, starting in 1886, here.
Council | Teaneck TownshipThe Council is comprised of seven members, elected at large, of which one is elected by the Council as Mayor. Councilmembers are elected for staggered four year terms with elections occurring every two years.
65% Support National Popular Vote for President in Pew Poll | NationalAccording to a new poll released by the Pew Research Center on September 25, 2023: “Nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults (65%) say the way the president is elected should be changed so that the winner of the popular vote nat
Board of Directors | AIGAAIGA’s board is elected by the entire membership and plays a crucial role in determining the mission of AIGA and ensuring that the organization continues to operate in the best interest of past, present, and future membe
ICSTI | Governance, Board StaffThe Executive Board is elected every three years by the General Assembly, and is supported by the Executive Manager and Executive Secretary.
#LBCityAuditor110 Year Timeline | Long Beach City AuditorPerformance Audit Identifies Improvements to Prevent Sanitary Sewer Overflows Which Can Cause Environmental & Health Impacts
Constitution of the Nagorno Karabakh RepublicConstitution of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Haledon, New Jersey - WikipediaHaledon developed along the northern side of the industrial city of Paterson. It was settled by farmers with colonial Dutch heritage including the Van Riper, Berdan, Banta, Post and Zabriskie families. Prior to the Civil
Tanzania - WikipediaThe name of Zanzibar derives from Zanj, the name of a local people (said to mean black ), and Arabic barr coast or shore. 31
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